Who Is Moshiach?

1. "The leader of the generation is also the Moshiach (Redeemer of Israel) of the generation."

(Kuntres Beis Rabbeinu ShebeBavel, ch. 5)

2. "I will not be troubled if one will translate "Moshiach" literally, i.e., the righteous Moshiach, since that is indeed the truth. The leader of the generation is in fact Moshiach of the generation."

(Eve of Simchas Torah 5746, Hisvaduyos, unedited)

3. "In the same generation, all three (acrostic letters of 'MiYaD' [the Hebrew word for "immediately"]) are manifest: 'M' (Moshiach), Y (initials of both names of the Rebbe, my father-in-law--Yosef Yitzchak), and 'D' ('Doram'--their generation)."

In footnote 96, the Rebbe inserts: "It should be noted that Menachem is his [Moshiach's] name (Sanhedrin 98b)."

(Shabbos Yisro, 5752, ch. 11. See also
Shabbos Tazria-Metzora, 5751, footnote 67)

4. "May we actually merit (the Redemption) immediately [miyad] with all the meanings of 'miyad.' This also includes the acronym of the leaders of generations in a general sense, Moshe, Yisroel (the Baal Shem Tov), and David (King Moshiach)."

In footnote 148, the Rebbe inserts: "And more specifically pertaining to our generation, the acronym of 'MiYaD' indicates the three eras of the Rebbe, my father-in-law, leader of our generation, [See Shabbos Vaeira, 5752, ch. 10], from the most recent in order: Moshiach (whose name is Menachem), Yosef Yitzchak, Dovber (the second name of the Rebbe Rashab)."

(Shabbos Mishpatim, 5752, ch. 13)

5. "The King Moshiach... stands on the rooftop of the Holy Temple and announces to Israel, 'Humble ones, the time of your Redemption has arrived'--as has been announced and is being announced lately... This announcement is coming from the diaspora..."

(Shabbos Chayei Sarah, 5751, ch. 12 and footnote 108)

6. "The Rebbes of Chabad, who trace their lineage back to the House of King David, of the tribe of Yehudah..."

(Shabbos Shemos, 5752, ch. 13)

[In reference to the Rebbe's father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, of blessed memory, the Rebbe comments] "In addition, he actually descends from the offspring of David."

(Sefer Hasichos 5749, vol 2, p. 650)

7. "... that the arms reduction conference, its decisions and announcement took place in the city of the leader of our generation, indicates that all this came as a result of the activities and efforts of promulgating Torah and Judaism, justice and equity, throughout the entire world, which was and is being done through the leader of our generation, Moshiach of our generation."

(Shabbos Mishpatim, 5752, ch. 3)

Footnote 26 of the above reads: "It should be noted that the United Nations, whose goal is to spread unity and peace amongst nations, was established in the lower [i.e., Western] Hemisphere following and in close proximity to the time of the arrival of the leader of our generation in the lower hemisphere. (It began with the nations' resolution during the war, approximately in 5702 [1942])...and its location was established in the city of the leader of our generation, including the construction of its headquarters there (approximately in the year 5711) [1951, the year in which the Rebbe assumed the mantle of leadership].

"This attests to and emphasizes the fact that the unity and peace between nations is a result of the efforts of the leader of our generation in refining the world... As the world became ever-increasingly refined through the efforts of the Jewish leader, so too was enhanced the existence and stability of this organization, whose goal is to achieve unity and peace in the world..."

8. "In our present generation, the last generation of Galus [Exile], we are completing and perfecting our efforts in transforming this lower [i.e., Western] Hemisphere into [a spiritual] 'Land of Israel,' in the form of 'Beis Rabbeinu' [the house of our Rebbe]. This is a preparation for the complete Geulah [Redemption, which comes about] through our righteous Moshiach, the leader of our generation, who is in fact the Moshiach (Redeemer of the Jews) of the generation.

"Thus it is understood that since the 'Temple travelled and settled there' [in the synagogue of the leader of the generation, in the Exile], it follows that the future [Third] Holy Temple will first materialize there, and subsequently be transported to Jerusalem.

" 'Beis Rabbeinu' ['the house of our Rebbe'] has the address '770.' Indeed, it has come to be called by the name '770' by all Israel. This number is in fact the numerical value of [the Hebrew word] 'Poratzta' [a biblical word meaning 'you have jumped out.'] Our Rabbis interpret this to be a reference to Moshiach himself, as it states 'the Poretz [jumper, one who breaks boundaries, said of Peretz, ancestor of Moshiach] will rise up before us.'

"It should be noted that 'Beis Moshiach' [house of Moshiach] also possesses this numerical value of 'Poratzta'--770."

(Kuntres Beis Rabbeinu ShebeBavel, chs. 67 and footnote 92)

Footnote 38 of the above reads: "At the time of the arrival of Melech HaMoshiach [King Moshiach], he will stand on the rooftop of the Holy Temple and announce to Israel, 'Humble ones, the time of your Redemption has arrived!' This 'rooftop of the Holy Temple' refers to the miniature sanctuary of the diaspora(1) which substitutes for the Temple of Jerusalem."

9. "Moshiach Tzidkeinu [Our Righteous Moshiach], the emissary regarding whom it was said [by Moshe as he petitioned the Almighty] 'Please send the one whom You will eventually send,' namely, the [Previous] Rebbe, leader of our generation. This likewise applies to his successor, the continuation and extension [of his leadership] after him."

(Sichos Kodesh 5752, vol. 1, p. 318, unedited)

10. "The third period [of the Previous Rebbe's leadership] is the posthumous continuation of his leadership, following his passing. This began from the eleventh day of the eleventh month [Shevat] of the eleventh year (5711) [1951](2)....

"There was a great increase [during this current third period], greater and stronger than ever before, in the dissemination of the wellsprings [of Chasidus] abroad throughout all corners of the world, to the extent that the [Divine] service has been completed. Everything is already set and ready for the 'feast of the future,' the 'days of Moshiach.' "

(Shabbos Vaeira, 5752, ch. 10)

"...and specifically in our times, 'the days of Moshiach,' in which we find ourselves now..."

(Chof Kislev, communal Yechidus, 5752, ch. 7)

11. "There [in tractate Sanhedrin], in the beginning of the section discussing Moshiach, the Talmud relates: 'The academy of Rabbi Shila used to say, "His [Moshiach's] name is Shilo"...' [The Talmud continues to list each yeshivah in which the Rabbi of that particular yeshivah was considered to be the long-awaited Moshiach.]

"...And we, Chasidim, follow them and likewise proclaim (with regards to our Rebbes, and specifically the Rebbe, my father-in-law, leader of our generation). . .(3)

"...It should be noted that Rashi's interpretation [of the Talmud] is that 'Each one would teach and find proof for his [own] name,' e.g., the Rabbi himself, and not that the students would declare their teacher's name to be the same as that of Moshiach on their own initiative."

(Shabbos Tazria-Metzora, 5751, ch. 8 and footnote 67)

12. "We are immediately going to merit the fulfillment of the Messianic promise, 'As in the days of your Exodus from Egypt, I will show you wonders' with the coming of Moshiach, whose name is 'Menachem,' like the name of the Tzemach Tzedek [Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the third Rebbe of Chabad] - may he come and redeem us, and lead us proudly to our land!

"For inasmuch as the promise 'Awaken and sing, those who rest in the dust' will soon take place..., there will then be a [full] realization of the meaning of 'Menachem - King Moshiach!' "

(Eve of Rosh Hashanah, 5744, Hisvaduyos, unedited)

13. "As such, the Almighty's Geulah is actually brought about through His emissary, the righteous Moshiach, with all eight names [mentioned in Gemara Sanhedrin 98b] attributed to him. This includes also 'His name is Menachem.' [May this 'certainty' materialize] in a way that 'One points with his finger and exclaims "Behold! Here he is!" Here is Menachem, our righteous Moshiach!' "

(Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av, 5749, unedited)

14. "Today on this very Shabbos... the revelation of Moshiach should take place... that we [may] merit to hear the proclamation (throughout the whole world and throughout all the spiritual realms): 'Behold! Here comes Moshiach!' ("One will point with his finger and exclaim 'Here he is'!"), 'Behold! Here comes the Rebbe, my father-in-law, leader of our generation!' (as 'Awaken and give praise, those who rest in the dust,' and as the Righteous will arise to the Resurrection immediately prior to the Geulah)..."

(Shabbos Tazria-Metzora, 5751, ch. 14)

15. "...For every Chasid believes with complete faith that the Rebbe of his generation, just like the leader of our generation, is the Moshiach."

(Eve of the fifth of Sukkos, 5747, Hisvaduyos, unedited)

16. "When the [Previous] Rebbe issued his proclamations of 'Immediate Teshuvah will bring about immediate Redemption!' Chasidim publicized them with their own addition that this [the Rebbe] is him [Moshiach]..."

(Shabbos Naso, 5720, unedited)

17. [The Rebbe once received a letter from Rabbi Avraham Pariz, expressing his belief that the Rebbe is Moshiach. At a farbrengen (chasidic gathering), the Rebbe discussed the letter in the context of similar expressions during the lifetime of the Previous Rebbe.] "Actually, the Rebbe had never objected to Reb Avraham's thinking as he did. Moreover, there were probably various others who shared his belief, but did not express it in writing as he did."

(Shabbos Beshalach, 5724, unedited,
printed in Tzadik L'Melech, vol. 2, p. 64)


1. Editors Note: The thrust of the entire sicha is that '770' is 'the miniature sanctuary of the diaspora.'

2. Editors note: This is the day on which the Rebbe assumed the mantle of leadership.

3. Editors note: The Rebbe rarely refers to himself directly. Rather, he often describes his leadership as merely a phase in, and extension of, the leadership of his father-in-law. When referring to his own work and life, the Rebbe uses phrases like "the Rebbe, my father-in-law, leader of our generation." (See Sichos Kodesh, Shabbos Mikeitz, 5713, Sichos Kodesh 5752, vol. 1, p. 318, Sefer Hasichos 5752, vol. 1, ch. 15. For further explanation on this matter, refer to Likkutei Sichos, vol. 6, p. 283.)

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